Saturday, February 28, 2009


Well, the final chapter of Wheatberry's concluded with Sallie finishing up the wedding cake yesterday. Sallie and I have always gotten along great, and we always find new and interesting things to talk about.

I explained (or I'm afraid, whined rather) that I didn't know what I was going to do now and was pondering my dilemma about being pregnant, in mid life and with no clear direction. I mentioned that I was considering either law school (though the thought of going back to a classroom terrifies me!), or to seriously persue my love of writing (and I think my subconscious desire to work on my arse instead of my feet for a change).

She mentioned and like a complete dunce just emerging from her dark and narrow cave, I had no idea what she was talking about.

Well to make a long story short, eHow is a pay-to-write site where you can write How To articles for money. Heh - or at least the promise of money. I think that you get about $0.0026 per click. Ok, so math was never really my strong suit but it seems to me you need a whole lotta clicks to quit your day job! Considering I don't have a day job any longer, this seemed like a viable option.

So I've begun the next chapter in my life by combining the two things I love most. Writing and food. Eureka! Let's write about food!

This blog will contain musings, reports of adventures whether grand or not-so grand, and explorations into the world of food, because I fear, that this is one world I cannot ever leave.

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